Here it is, my final exam schedule
5 Januari 2012, PMS (Pengantar Metode Statistik), 07.30
6 Jaunari 2012, PIK (Pengantar Ilmu Komputer), 07.30
9 Januari 2012, Biologi, 10.30
10 Januari 2012, Fisika Dasar, 10.00
12 Januari 2012, Kalkulus, 10.30
well yeah,, i write this post at sunday, when actually I have to study biology.
My teacher is Mr. Aunurrohman. and he's really kind person..
he's really transparant about our mark..
he said that the proportion fot this final exam in 30%,
and, I think that I have to get 100 to get A..
ooo gooooddddd.... :o
yeah, it's just because of my mid exam only get 68, T.T..
i dunno, i think that I do it my best, but, nothing from that each number get perfect score.. huuww... T.T..
okkaaiii,, get ready for my biology final exam \--'/
(Note : maybe next post I'll upload my biology material)
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